This time, we get to know Steve Schultheis track "Tea Leaves" which is featured in the New Artist Spotlight Family of Playlists.
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𝟭. Where are you from and what are your hobbies?
I grew up In New York - Long Island but now I live in Massachusetts. The acoustic music scene here is amazing and has kept me here for over 30 years. When I moved here, I had written a few songs for fun but when I saw all the great singer songwriters in this area I found I wanted to be a part of that. So I honed my craft and began to write and soak up all all I could about songwriting. All this while I was a full-time high school math teacher!
𝟮. How did your get into music?

As long as I can remember I have always loved music. My older brother used to play classic rock - Beatles, The Doors, Rolling Stones and I found the sound to be intoxicating. I remember hearing Sargent Pepper fro the first time and wanting to be in music. I always loved to sing, but it wasn't until I went to college that I picked up a guitar to supply a background for my singing. I did covers - a lot of James Taylor and CSN type stuff.
𝟯. Who are your biggest influences?
For my writing probably The Beatles and James Taylor. I loved the harmonies in the Beatles and the songs were so amazing and always so different from each other. And when I discovered James Taylor, his voice and his guitar playing simply captivated me.
4. What are your goals in the music industry?
I simply want to have a fanbase that is loving what I do. I want to keep making music and exploring how to write better and trying out new sounds. I'd like to make other's lives a little better through my music, letting them know they are not alone.
5. If you could choose a location to perform at, what would it be?
I am not that much of a performer to be honest - I get stagefright! But I was a street musician in Boston for a several years and have done many open mikes and a few shows. If I could perform at any location, it probably be a small venue for songwriters. It would be a dream to perform at Passim in Cambridge Massachusetts. There is such history there - so many great folk/singer songwriters have made their mark there.
6. What is your all-time favorite song?
I have so many - but I will go with Hey Jude by the The Beatles. I love the lyrics and how the song builds and shows such optimism.
7. Most embarrassing moment?
Without a doubt the time I was doing an open mike and I complete forget a verse of one of my songs as I was singing. But I managed to make up a new verse on the spot - it rhymed and I think it made sense too! My girlfriend at the time, asked when it was over about it asking me' "that wasn't the 2nd verse?". When I told I had made it up, she was so impressed! Fun thing is I've always wanted a 3rd verse for that song...I think that was it but it is lost now - I forgot what I sang as soon as I finished. So that song still has 2 verses.
8. Proudest accomplishment?
Making three albums (so far). I always dreamed of getting my music out into the world and have it finally out is my biggest dream that has become a reality. I hope to keep writing and putting out more! I have another 16 songs that I am polishing up for another project. And of course my 8 year old daughter! Who wants to be a singer....
9. What is something about you that might surprise someone who knows you the best?
That I am so nervous when I perform! I am always told how calm I look but I am shaking when I am singing in front of an audience that I don't know. When I am in front of people I know, I am calmer.
𝟭𝟬. What is your dream collaboration?
I'd have to go with Paul McCartney. I would love to work with him and absorb how he makes magic happen to a song. I want to pick up up how he chooses arrangements for his songs.

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Didn't know you are from Massachusetts my parents family lives in fall River, Massachusetts and I've been there once when I was little. Beatles is my parents favorite band and I grew up listening to all music from the early years and really took to them and many other artists that i am fond of today. I use to be afraid performing live but the more you do it the more comfortable you get! Give it a try it's so amazing to get the audience reaction when you sing live it's a totally different feeling only you will know when your up there. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays ans stay safe!!