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NAS 10 Questions with Sekro#8

This time, we get to know Sekro#8. His track "Grabada a Fuego" is featured in the New Artist Spotlight Family of Playlists.

Link To New Artist Spotlight Playlists:

𝟭. Where are you from and what is your hobby?

I'm from Palma de Mallorca, Spain. My hobby i drawing urban art and workout.I also love organizing Hip-Hop events and being able to bring people of different ages together so that together we can enjoy music and their art.

𝟮. How did your get into music?

Since I was little I have been a great lover of music but it was not until I was 25 years old that I discovered what I was worth to sing, then later to write my own songs and later to be able to rap skillfully. I started out as front-man and lyricist for a Hard Rock / Core band called Vitrum, I learned a lot but unfortunately ... It was not possible to continue, in turn, I love Hip-Hop and I came to consider starting my solo career. Two years later, here I am still with two published albums and more than 20 concerts.

𝟯. Who are your biggest influences?

Musicians of any gender who fight for our rights, dreamers who are not afraid to enjoy life and its pleasures and above all musicians who protest and denounce the injustices that we live. I could say more than 1000 references but I have preferred to define the values ​​that catch my attention.

4. What are your goals in the music industry?

Create a set of listeners who are not afraid to fight, to enjoy and to love. Changing the world is difficult but changing the perception of things is my goal. I want to create a revolution of consciousness.

5. If you could choose a location to perform at, what would it be?

Mmm, across the whole world? A big tour, with great emcees and love to everyone. If you want something more concrete ... A great festival like Loutherthanlife fest, Download Fest, something like this

6. What is your all-time favorite song?

My life be like. I'm feeling so nostalgic I remember great times and I love all of that MASTERPIECE.

7. Most embarrassing moment?

Being at the presentation concert for my first album and hitting the microphone hard in my mouth. Another would be at the same concert, my microphone has an on / off switch, I sang for 1 minute with the mic unplugged

8. Proudest accomplishment?

That fans of the world send me covers of my songs and the messages of love and of feeling identified with my lyrics, it is magical and wonderful. The live shows, the heat of the people, the networking to meet wonderful musicians like this platform.

9. What is something about you that might surprise someone who knows you the best?

I can be a very destructive person in bad times, I try to be more aware than a few years ago, it works but sometimes everything is very difficult. Receive the desired support, reach your listeners, see what part of your circle of friends does not understand where you want to go ...

𝟭𝟬. What is your dream collaboration?

My dream collaboration would be with Ms. Lauryn Hill. I respect her very much, she is a powerful woman, knowledgeable, and a fighter. She has amazing skills when it comes to rapping or writing. Also, she has something to say to the world and she never gave up, that is more important to me than fame, money or greed.

Stream "Grabada a Fuego" now

and follow his Instagram

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1 комментарий

13 сент. 2021 г.

Good work!



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